Golden Green Culvert

Golden Green Culvert Reconstruction

  • Project Duration:
  • Contract Value: £275,000
  • Year Completed:
  • For Client: Kent County Council

Project Strategic CHALLENGES

  • 14m long highway culvert
  • In-situ mass concrete walls and access steps.
  • 4 week programme recovery following significant flooding event.

Project SYN0PSIS

Steadline were successfully awarded the reconstruction of Golden Green Culvert as part of Amey’s term maintenance contract with Kent County Council.

A 20m span scaffold pedestrian footbridge was erected to maintain foot traffic across the watercourse, safely removing the risk of any site traffic from members of the public.

Demolition of the existing bridge was carefully sequenced so as not to leave an instable structure, and not cause any contamination to the adjacent watercourse; all of the demolished structure was removed from site for recycling

Precast concrete culvert units were lifted into place and assembled to form the main structure, after which in-situ concrete header walls and access steps were cast. A sheet piled retaining wall was driven in order to protect the adjacent footpath; this allowed the backfill material to be compacted followed by bituminous surfacing laid by machine.

Working through the wettest winter on record, 6 full weeks in the programme were lost due to flooding; even though a full bypass channel was in place. Steadline increased resources and worked longer weeks in order to pull the programme back to only a two week over run.

The method of working was approved by the Environment Agency, and all works were completed without a single environmental incident.

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